Byte into Learning Analytics with Tech Bytes

By Laura Jervis
đź“… August 9, 2021
đź•‘ Read time: 2 minute(s)
Byte into Learning Analytics with Tech Bytes

When I first learned about learning analytics, I had a narrow view of what that was and how it could improve my teaching. For years, I used it sparingly. I roughly estimated the difficulty of some test questions, but it was too challenging and time consuming to implement a thorough, data-driven analysis of a pen-and-paper exam. But now, technology-enhanced teaching is more prevalent, even for in-person courses; meanwhile, expanded computing power is giving us the ability to do more with the information our learning management systems collect.

The landscape of learning analytics is changing rapidly, and UF is looking to the future to see how data can promote student success. To help instructors become familiar with what opportunities are ahead, UFIT’s Center for Instructional Technology is hosting Tech Bytes—Learning Analytics for Faculty and Students, a free virtual presentation on Wednesday, September 1st at 2 p.m. about two learning analytics initiatives at UF.

Heather Maness from CITT, will discuss a pilot of My Learning Analytics (MyLA), a tool developed by the University of Michigan and hosted by Unizin to empower students to improve their own academic outcomes through a better understanding of their online course performance and progress. Then John Jordi will explain how UF’s Center for Teaching Excellence is engaging with learning analytics through structured conversations with faculty. Instructors who attend will also have an opportunity to get involved with both initiatives. 

If you’re eager to use data effectively to improve student outcomes in your courses, register for this Tech Byte event, which is part of a series that covers the intersection of technology and teaching in bite-sized pieces. We hope to see you there!

TagsAnalytics, Assessments, Canvas, CTE, Faculty Development, Professional Development, Student Success, Technology